Guardians of the Dawn

The Official website to the Guardians of the Dawn supergroup.

  • The dawn of a new age. The need for a new team of heroes.

    Dedicated to helping bring Paragon City to that shining future that is just over the horizon.

    Their time is NOW!

    Their day is HERE!
  • City of Comics Creators


    A proud member of the City of Comic Creators, bringing the best in fan-made entertainment for the "City of Heroes" and "City of Villains"

About the “Guardians of the Dawn”

Guardians of the Dawn is a registered superhero organization in the City of Heroes MMO.  They are based in the “Guardian” server.

They operate in Paragon City, a fictional city on the coastal area of Rhode Island, USA.  Their headquarters is based on Talos Island.

Captain Paragonna co-founded the group along with Midnight Arachnia.

The Guardians are currently under the leadership of Maximus Rex.

All members of the Guardians of the Dawn operate with full law enforcement authority through the Revised Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1952 which is supervised by the Federal Bureau for Super-powered Affairs (FBSA).  Captain Paragonna is also a special investigator with the Paragon City Police Department.  Although they are an independent operation, the Guardians will often work with the PPD.

All members of the Guardians are registered superheroes with the FBSA and Paragon City.